segways cannock

I do love a good adventure so anything new, exciting and outdoors gets a
great big tick from me.  You may or may not remember but I tried Go Ape!
last year, well the lovely people from Go Ape! invited my boyfriend and I
to try a lesson in how to use a Forest Segway.  Skipping about little kids we
both leaped at the chance.

segways forest

go ae segways

We had already been to their Sherwood Pines branch so decide to go a
little further afield. To the beautiful greenery that is Cannock Chase.

Nick being a mountain biker was in awe
 of the amazing routes that could
be taken on two wheels, but this wasn’t going to be the normal way to
ride two wheels… It was going to be something totally alien to us

Greated by our lovely team leader we were taken to our segways and told
how to stand, how to go and how to stop.  Seems easy but I
can’t tell you how many times I thought it was going to wobble out from
under me. I initially went into panic mode and kept sticking my bum
out… big mistake!  I will point out I didn’t fall off or anything
as the segway is sturdy but sticking your bum out throws the balance of the device.

We all had a go at driving our segways around a monitored route making
us feel comfortable whilst we adapted.  The prime thing I learnt was
balance, if you got that right you were fine.

After a health and safety session and a monitored first go, we ventured
off into the woods.  Initially I was pretty nervous but before you knew
it we were confidently zooming about, following our instructor amongst
the trees and around the woods.

I loved it went we could go fast but the Segways are set to a standard
speed so you can’t zip off or go too fast if you did to want to.

Both myself and nick loved it and said we’d totally do it again soon,
but perhaps we might start doing tour of Go Ape venues and try somewhere
new to explore!

I love the Go Ape tree adventures but I really loved being on a Segway… I honestly couldn’t pick just one as they are both fun days out!

If you haven’t tried the Forest Segways you really really must! They are happening all over the UK and are find for older kids and family days out.  

Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
, Berkshire

Black Park, Buckinghamshire 
Grizedale Forest, Cumbria
Moors Valley, Dorset
Thetford Forest, Suffolk
Cannock Chase, Staffordshire
Dalby Forest, Yorkshire
Delamere Forest, Cheshire
Sherwood Pines, Nottinghamshire

We had a mixture of ages which proved it really does appeal to everyone but riders must be over age 7.  To take part it is £35.00 per ride.

Fancy a go?
