Why do I agree to doing things so eagerly and without really giving them lots of thought?! This is one of those situations! Adidas miCoach got in touch and asked if I’d like to do the Berlin marathon. Firstly it was a huge honour to be approached by such a brand to take part in an amazing race, secondly it was a good challenge to focus my attention on post wedding… but basically oh my word I am actually going to be running a marathon.
I know I can do short distance running fairly well from completing triathlons, but endurance distances are something that is new to me. I know you’re probably reading this thinking I’ll be fine, but I assure you this is, hands down thee hardest challenge I’m setting myself and in such a short amount of time.
When I do triathlon I’m only running 5.7k in a sprint distance. I know I do the run as the last part after swimming and cycling, but trust me it is completely different and it is obviously significantly shorter.
I am a bit of a bull in a china shop with running and go off full whack instead of pacing myself, I get a buzz from the music I run to and the adrenaline with spur me on. This is not even an option with a marathon and this why having the Adidas miCoach with it’s heart rate zones should help me reduce that happening. I have done 10ks and half marathons and I remember doing two half marathons, after the second I recall saying to myself I’d never do a marathon. Whoops. To be fair to myself my fitness levels are polar opposite than 5 years ago when I did them.
Onto the important information, the marathon is on the 27th September, not long I know, but I’m doing everything I can do to up my running so I can complete it. I don’t care about times as long as I get around it. I am very competitive so this is a challenge on its own! I know this will potentially be the only marathon I ever do so I am going to give it my all.
Alas this is where I end this post, I just wanted to bring you up to speed really and you can now follow me on my short/not so short journey to Berlin. I have numerous fears however I am trying my hardest to forget about them.
I will be doing all my normal classes so my body keeps strong, such as my yoga and weights sessions will continue alongside my cycling. I have a short but hard journey ahead… Let’s do this!
What sort of plan are you following? You're right that you don't have long, but at the same time I see why you would throw yourself in- Berlin is hard to get into and is a one-off opportunity! Just make sure to strike the balance between good training and no injuries. Spend plenty of time on the foam roller!