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I am a firm believer that by setting yourself a goal or a challenge it can keep you on track with your fitness. Sometimes when we don’t have something to aim for things can become a big stagnant and somewhat boring. With this in mind the wonderful team at We Heart Bread, asked me to take on a fitness challenge that would be #PoweredByBread… to which I greatly accepted! I was going to be doing an off road 10k race and powering up with bread would help me on my way to that.

A lot of people think that bread can be a cause of weight gain and so when they begin exercising or sinking into a new diet plan, they often eliminate any meals with bread in it. Funnily enough bread contains so many amazing dietary factors, it can actually help keep you on weight target and fuel energy for your fitness needs. So teamed with We Heart Bread I’m here to break that stigma attached to eating bread.

I have actually previously written a blog post, Is Bread Bad? about some of those key facts in why having bread in your diet is a good thing. I absolutely love the stuff, if you follow me on Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram you’ll often find me sharing my favourite bread related meals. Fancy seeing some of my favourite bread breakfast ideas? Check out my easy how-to video on YouTube below.

Just watched it? Wasn’t that super easy? Such an incredibly tasty way to kick start your day – and we all know how much I love and promote eating breakfast! Remember bread is a complex carbohydrate which is great for energy, and just by eating bread alone it provides 10% of our daily requirements for calcium, iron and fibre… alongside other essential nutrients.

I personally tend to find my most favourite recipes with bread include peanut butter and banana on toast, which has mainly been consumed as my mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. It is an amazing pick me up snack, especially if I am exercising afterwards… plus it really is tasty on wholemeal sliced bread. I also absolutely adore scrambled or poached egg with spinach, tomatoes and avocado on toast.  To be honest even just my old time fave, a classic piece of Marmite on toast would do me fine too! Obviously you don’t always have to always have something on toast, for example just a salad packed sandwich is just as good. 

Onto my challenge set by We Heart Bread! Now you may or may not recall but about 8 weeks ago, I had a fall down some steps where I badly sprained my ankle. Luckily it wasn’t fractured or broken, but it has taken what feels like a lifetime to mend. As a result I’ve had so much time off meaning I’ve felt really out of my fitness routine, so I decided to kick myself back into gear with an off road 10k as my challenge to be powered by bread. I’ve done 10ks before but this felt more of a challenge because I had so much time off, plus I’d not done any off road running in quite some time. 

I’ve been easing my way back into running with some treadmill runs and some easy road routes. Normally I don’t like using a treadmill as I prefer to be out in the fresh air, but as my ankle is still iffy I’ve played it safe and developed from there.  My race is in November so I’m going to build up to some shorter distances in the woods where I live, then onto more challenging surfaces. Fingers crossed come race day I’ll feel fighting fit and confident!

fitness bloggers

As I say I find bread to be such a great and convenient way to gather all the nutrients I need for a good day of training. I am fuelling my body right to achieve a decent run each day and have been doing for my upcoming 10k challenge! Want to see how I get on? Come follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat to discover more of how I’m powered by bread. 

Remember it isn’t all about cutting calories, it is more about finding the right balance so you can fuel your body right. I get that from the right snacks, like my peanut butter on toast and meals like my eggs and avocado on toast.

With this all in mind I’m giving you the chance win my EXCLUSIVE vest tops! My moto is most certainly Bread In, Work Out so I teamed up with We Heart Bread to create some motivational exercise vests and you could win one! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Post in collaboration with We Heart Bread*
*Please note all vest tops are a standard size medium*
