Why are you reading about sock you ask? Not the most exciting blog post but I’ve got to a point in my life where I care about the socks I wear. I don’t just grab a pair and go anymore, I actually chose carefully the socks I wear for the activities I am out to do. I’m going to share the socks you need from HJ Hall Socks and what they’re best for.
Walking and Hiking // If you do lots of hiking or walking chances are you will be needing a pair of socks that helps stop any rubbing on your walking boots. You need something quite chunky like those seen in 1. HJ Socks are my favourite ones for walking boots as they’re in girly colours but still do their job.
Gym and Fitness // Off to the gym? The obvious choice is of course trainer socks. I’ve worn my fair share of trainers socks, and whilst I always would grab a cheap pair I must admit that if you invest a little more the difference is amazing. I always wear great trainer socks for racers – why should training be any different?
Running and Post Race // I swear by compression socks post races like in number 2. They really help keep your blood circulated so reduce any swelling. I love these.
Dog Walking and Being Outdoors // Muddy walks with the dog? Socks falling down? Nightmare! I swear by wellington socks like number 3. They stay up, keep your feet toasty as wellies don’t tend to be the best and warming your tooties!
Everyday // Gotta be number 6! I love a printed sock for everyday where, so with my jeans, popping out to the shops were my converse. Also in my opinion far easier to find when that terrible task if pairing socks emerges!
Loungewear and Chilling // The days I don’t have to go anywhere or do anything? Rare as they are at the moment, but if it does happen I am ALL about number 5. In fact I am wearing them in my onesie right now. Best pair of socks I have.
Bedtime // It’s a standing joke in my house how I’m the one with ‘frog feet’. My husband hates how when I get into bed I immediately put my feet on his warm legs to heat up. No more… I have bedtime socks like number 7.
I’ll admit this may not be my most exciting post but after I received some samples from HJ Hall socks, I decided that because I was genuinely impressed I’d explain why you need different socks for different activities. Are you bothered by the socks you were for the activities you do?
I like 1 & 5 but I'm always in socks as I'm mostly in trainers it'll be trainer socks but when wearing boots, I'll wear thick and illustrated socks mostly. x
I love cosy socks for chilling in at home mostly xx
I love the look of those bed socks, I am the one with the freezing feet in our house without a doubt!
Ohh I love socks! I definitely need to add some of these to my collection.
I really like bedsocks, best way to keep feet warm on a cold night.
What a fun post idea! I have slagged off people for years who get socks for christmas, but now admit that I miss that. Who wants to buy socks? I type this as I wear my only warm socks for the cold.I need socks! lol
The only special socks I have are hiking socks. With two kids I no longer do as much hiking as I'd like to, but when I do go for a long walk I want to make sure my feet are comfy. Oh, and I love chunky knit lounging socks. I don't really lounge in them – I wish I could! – they simply keep my lower legs warm in colder months.
I always seem to lose socks … have no idea how! I wear quirky socks to work since i work with children – well thats my excuse anyway!
Those cosy socks look great! I think number 5 has to be my favourite.
I have so many socks it is just crazy. But, I am a firm believe that you can never have too many pairs. I love the purple ones.
I have so many pairs of socks it's crazy. I had my trainer socks for the gym/ working out. I have work socks which are the plain black ones, normal socks which are what I wear outside as they're usually patterned. Then some thicker walking/ wellie socks and of course loads of bed socks. Need to be toasty x
I always need to make sure I have matching socks on when I take the little ones to soft play … nothing worse than taking your shoes off and realising you have two different types on!
I am one of those people who only ever wears socks with boots, any other time I cannot stand my feet being covered x
I have so many socks I have lost count! I just love socks, especially bed time socks 🙂
I do love a good pair of socks and seem to have hundreds of different patterned ones x
I love socks and have far too many pairs at the moment!
I love 4 and 5. They are so stylish.
I've never really been a sock lover but that's changed of late, I love comfy bed socks for keeping warm in the winter. I do have a stash of trainer socks for the gym though, I'm especially drawn to Reebok ones
I like to wear socks in bed and when lounging so I would probably have half of these
I wear socks all the time, I have some for bed and others for day wear 😉
We can't live without our bedtime fluffy socks at the moment! Hiking socks are really useful too!
I don't think I even own a pair of socks!! I used to have some lovely warm fluffy ones… they were stolen by my daughter and taken to University with her!!
I have honestly spent so much time online looking for socks this week, you wouldn't believe it. We are looking for trainer socks with pompoms on the back for our athlete – I'll check HJ Hall to see if they sock (stock) them!
My goodness, I didn't realise how many different kinds of socks existed!
This is a nice post. Indeed they are so many socks – I've got a whole compartment in my draw just with various of socks 🙂
I love lounging/slouchy socks, they're my fave for this time of year!
I love wearing socks but I must admit I wear different ones for different activities. I love having them on snuggled up on the settee in winter.
I only really need the lounging socks and every day ones. Nothing related to exercise!!!
a good post click
nice post
As a hiking lover, if there is olne thing I know, then it's hiking thermal socks 🙂 I can only recommend this article I used for finding some of the finest models, including a pair of Merino wool hiking sock. You can check it out here: http://hikingmastery.com/top-pick/warmest-socks.html