Winter can be one of the hardest points of the year to work out. Rarely people will be up for a gym session or exercise each time they come to do it, often we’ll have some sort of internal battle where we will dither about whether to bother or not. Winter is the time of year we’re most likely to put it off. Am I wrong? It’s chilly outside, or maybe it’s decided to start raining and indoors is so cosy and that sofa is looking more and more tempting. Been there? Hell, so have I.
Get the gear //
Winter is a tough nut to crack when it comes to fitness so anything you can do to encourage is key in your success. My gym capris and vest top are clearly not going to cut the mustard if I want to be outdoors, I may get warm eventually but I’d rather be taking layers off than freezing. Personally I’ll add some layers with a long sleeved base layer, followed by a specific running top or, (if it isn’t too chilly) simply a t-shirt over the top. I’ll always opt for full length leggings and ideally some with a zip pocket, a headband to keep my ears warm and also some gloves. You really don’t have to spend loads to get some decent weather sturdy fitness kit! This outfit is from MandM Direct, where you can get up to 75% off some really great brands.
Be seen //
That is a winter exercise must for me – high vis clothing as even on dull day times you won’t always be seen let alone at night. Reflective elements on clothing would be a big priority when hunting for winter kit to buy. You can also get some flashing arm bands and waist bands in case you are heading down a particularly dark route. Just like I say to those getting into cycling, be safe, be seen.
What I’m Wearing* | Long Sleeved Running Top // Running Leggings // Trail Trainers // Running Fleece
Stay safe //
Whether you love a run first thing or an evening boot camp session at your local park, keep safe when solo exercising is very important. I tend to do all my exercising first thing and with it being darker I know I need to be careful. Things I do (because I plan my workouts in advance for the week) I’ll leave my exercise timetable for my husband to see. He knows when and where I’ll be going, so if for any reason I’m not back he knows where I should be. Obviously you can take phones but many are so bulky that they don’t fit in tiny pockets on gym leggings, if you can take it with you I always suggest you do. To be honest I often pop mine in my sports bra!
Join forces //
Winter outdoors exercising is the ideal point to join a club! That is motivation at its finest and perfect to keep your motivated. You could do a running club, cycle team, boot camp session or even (if you’re brave enough) an outdoor swim club. The best thing is not only will this help keep you focused you could also gain some friends for other exercise sessions, because much like you they’re probably on the same page in terms of their exercise outlook.
Warming up //
You should always warm up and stretch regardless of time of year, but the contrast between being toasty indoors to icy chills can shock your body. Make sure you do sufficient warming up routines before you set off. I like to have more layers on (like a big hoodie) whilst jumping about in my drive way for 10 minutes, I’ll then removed my hoodie and head off on a run. I’m just getting my body ready to go.
How do you deal with winter outdoor workouts?
I love these photos of you and your workout look is awesome! I need to do more warm ups before I start my workout!
I am absolutely terrible about exercising outdoors in the winter. I always have good intentions, but the warm, cosy sofa wins every time!
I don't exercise enough ive never been one for exercising outdoors either. I think Jr's great that you have the motivation to do so.
I agree with you about winter. This time of year im feeling really lazy
In winter, the thought of exercising really puts me off. I got into biking in the autumn but I hate doing it when it's wet or icy outside, I really don't want to fall
There is something about running in the winter that I love although last year the snow was no fun at all – I just love the pink and those trainers are to die for
I'm scared to the outdoors during winter because its so cold. I'm afraid of the cold haha
Winter is definitely the hardest season to crack. However I think walking outside helps to improve your wellbeing.
I almost stopped someone walking their dog the other night because I couldn't see them. I might even go buy some extra arms bands and hand them out the next time I see someone. You've got to be seen!
Great tips.
Cute outfit!
I'm a resident of the state of Florida, so … occasionally I have to throw on some gloves and an ear warmer, and maybe a long sleeve shirt. Layering helps on those rare 30-40*F days, but it also allows me to warm up pretty quickly.
Love all your photos! Nice to connect with you through the fitness blogging group
I'm in Iowa, so our temps are almost always near (or below) freezing….full tights, fleece (fitted) jacket and a puffer vest are my main go-to's
I have to admit, I deal with outdoor workouts by not doing them. I much prefer to be in a gym than in the cold! x
This is such great advice – I'd like to exercise outdoors in the winter but I'm really struggling with the cold! There's a fantastic park/woodland area near me that's great for running, I just need to kick myself into gear (and get some workout layers!)
I so needed these tips – I really must start working out again !
I love running when it's a little colder as that way I don't overheat too much! I went running a few winters ago when it was really icy, everyone thought I was mental but on the up side the local park was quiet
I run outdoors all year around–I just layer and suck it up!
I m thankful not to have winter anymore since I moved to Florida…..I don't miss it. Love your hat though!
It can be easy to skip a workout when the winter weather is horrid. Being seen is so necessary because the daylight hours are shorter and visibility is lower with all of the snow around.
I am loving all of your gym gear, you're looking stylish as well as sporty and ready to work out!
Having spent most of the time since New Year suffering from a heavy cold, no exercise at all has been done and I'm am actually missing it.
I'm literally sat on my bed right now trying to convince myself to get up, go outside and go to the gym! xD I think high vis clothing is so important for night time joggers – it's one of the reasons I don't go running at night anymore as I don't feel totally safe.
I've just looked outside and htought- 'hmmmmm, I should try and get outdoors a bit more' I think this post is aimed totally at me! lol
It is always so hard to get warm quickly when its cold outside. I tend to either overdress, and then get too hot later in my run, or underdress, and freeze during the early part of my run. I really need to be better about finding that happy medium.
I am in love with your workout clothes. I wish I had the drive to exercise outside, I am inside gym girl all the way, total wuss right here who will avoid the cold, rain and use any excuse to avoid running and outdoor activity. Definitely something I need to change this year
Some wonderful tips – really inspired me to get outdoors! Love your photos too – your bobble hat is so cute! I really need to invest in some workout clothes.
It is hard to get anything done in the winter. I really should step up my fitness game this year.
I'm rubbish with cold but completely agree with more layers and peeling them off than being cold. Also warming up and down is a must before any excercise no matter what the weather
I'm rubbish at exercising regularly and was just talking to my OH this morning about how the little exercise I do seems to stop over the winter completely. I'm just about to start a power walk group at school after drop off as doing things in a group is more likely to get me out and doing thinsg than being on my own.
I agree that this time of year is so hard to work out because of the cold!
You've inspired me to order some bright clothing though and get out there 🙂
Dani x
I love working outdoors on the summer, but in the winter it just never happens. Great tips!
Really appreciate the emphasis on safety in this! I'm not a fan of the early dark nights, so I don't work out in winter as much as I should do.
These are such great tips! I've made a promise to myself to exercise more this year and I think working out outdoors would be really beneficial. After all, there's nothing better than fresh air!
I'm going to be honest I don't do a lot of outdoor workouts, I tend to do yoga at home or go to the gym but even when I don't want to get up I'm pushing myself x
I wanted to join a winter running group this winter, but have spent too much time indoors…I am getting back into it though because we have a big trip this summer and i want to start prepping