My love of cycling has grown and grown since I was a little girl. That day my stabilisers came off and my Dad documented me flying into Mum’s beautiful flower bed at full speed, on his over sized, ‘I weigh more than a small child’ 1980’s video camera. Very much like those flowers, (well not so much when I completely crushed them) my love for cycling just blossomed.

When I lost my driving license after being diagnosed with epilepsy 4 years ago, I felt a little bit lost. Even though my car was simply my pottering about companion, I had lost a huge element of my independence and the freedom to go as and when I wanted. That was when I spent £50 and purchased an old stool 1992 Raleigh bike in a deep purple colour, that I decided to name, for no reason at all, Gertie. Me and Gertie had a wonderful little time for a while but she was old, clunky and my gosh did I hate tackling hills with her. That is when my husband decided he would build me a road bike.

I’ll never forget the day I got that bike and we decided to ride about it in the car park to our flat. I had this amazing triathlon bike by Quintana Roo which of course I named, (like I do everything) called Roo-Roo. Today that bike is with me and we have covered many miles including my first triathlon. In fact if I hadn’t lost my licence I may not of gained this surge in cycle passion…

Fast forwarding to present day, and my husband tagged me in a article shared on Facebook about becoming a Pearl Izumi Champion. The idea was that those with a passion for cycling could apply to become a member of their exclusive team! To start I was hesitant because even though I like to cycle I’m actually not competitive with it, which I’m sure those of you reading this who know me, will be fully aware that isn’t like me! For some reason with cycling I am just a leisurely cyclist who enjoys a good cycle with some sort of cafe related destination.

None the less I applied, made the cut and was off to Milton Keynes to Madison HQ to meet the rest of my Pearl Izumi Champion family! Armed with my Roo Roo, and my husband we went to the Pearl Izumi Champion Day! Signing in on the big board like cyclist do before a race, I started to feel a little bit intimidated. I love cycling but I’m not amazing… I just enjoy it! Some of these people look pretty expert… I suddenly started to wonder if I was the right fit.

We had a great introduction giving an insight into what the brand is about why we were there. It was nice to hear some of the big stories of why some people had been chosen, and sitting there I felt quite honoured to have been picked. I started to relax and realise they’d chosen a variety of people, which  made me feel really happy!

After the presentations, the networking and tea sipping, we got given our exclusive Pearl Izumi Champion kit. I was, and am still in love with it. Fit like a glove and felt amazing! I was so excited to pop it on and go out for a ride with the team. All the ladies had the same and all the men had the same, and seeing us all stood together really was absolutely awesome. It was such an honour to be wearing this kit with all these fellow Champions!

We headed out on our assorted bike rides to try out our kit. From those who were super speedy to those who like a leisurely pace, it was a great way to finish off our meet up. To be honest it was nice having some easy-going cycle friends to go out with. I have since been out in my kit and I’ve felt so good wearing it! I’m looking forward to our next meet up, and obviously by all means have a look at my YouTube vlog for a more ‘in action’ video – including cycle footage!