I have been blogging for 5 years now… yep 5! I know it’s amazing how time has flown and how far my blog baby has come. I’ve seen and done things I’d only dreamed of and I’m so thankful for every second of it. Blogging as made the career I now have – I couldn’t be happier! I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to technology, I love cameras, phones and any techie gadget stuff… I fully blame my Dad for that rubbing off on me. So with that in mind I’m going to tell you about some of my blogging essentials in terms of mobile technology.
Mobile model | I’ve tried numerous mobile phones over the years, from Samsung to LG, but I now have the Huawei P9. I absolutely adore this phone because it has a bad ass camera on it. That would be the first thing you should look for when hunting for a phone – does it have a good camera? You’re a blogger… you need a bloody good camera! Check out reviews of storage, is it easy to navigate around? See what other bloggers are using? Read my review of the Huawei P9 here.
Find your network | I literally cannot imagine not having my phone! I have had BT Mobile network for a year now to see how I got on with it, and not only was it great coverage in the UK, it was also awesome abroad. It’s the best 4G & Wifi coverage in the UK – covering 99%. In the UK you can basically login to any of the 5 million BT Wifi hotspot and use their unlimited free wifi. I had a £20 a month with 20gb of data and hardly ever went near that amount of data – even when watching youtubers videos! But got the most I could so I didn’t have to even worry about it. I must admit the hotspot login was amazing, you could even use it on your laptop if you needed the internet. I did use it abroad and found it wasn’t too expensive to still text, but you’d need one of their affordable bundles if you go abroad. If you’re worried about over spending there are spending caps, but there is also a BT Mobile App to make sure you’re on track. If like me and you’re a travel blogger, my advice is always call your mobile network before you go abroad to see how they can help you.
Portable chargers | Gosh yes! You need a portable charger to pop in your handbag when you’re on the go. We use our phones so much for tweeting, snapping and editing things that no wonder the battery has a paddy and drains. I’d also have a fully charged portable charger with me if I’m off at blog events etc. No one wants that horrible feeling when your mobile phone dies and you can’t take anymore pictures. With portable chargers you can get keyring charger cables, so you’ll never be far from being able to charge. I believe you can get both from the pound shop.
Mobile case | I’d of once upon a time said you didn’t always need to get one, but after smashing one of my old phones when it fell out my hand, I always say it’s best to invest! I love the cases where you can put your cards in and it closes around the phone, but you can go fro the crazy fun ones if you wish. I always think if you can protect it – do! Try a screen cover protector as well, you can get those from the pound shop, along with numerous other phone related items.
Apps to download | There are SO many apps out there for bloggers and influencers to utilise, but these are my personal favourites.
1. Photo editing related – AfterLight, VSCO and Snapseed
2. Social related – Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Google + and Instagram
3. Content related – Blogger, WordPress, Facebook Page Manager
3. Analytical related – Youtube studio and Google Analytics
4. Organisation related – Planner Pro-Personal Organizer and Preview
I hope you’ve found this useful about my mobile essentials for a blogger and influencer! Any apps or mobile related gadgets you can’t live without?
Oooo I love this post. The technical side is still something I need to get my head around so I always like hearing about the gadgets others use.
I hardly use any of those apps so yip I found it very useful thank you! Happy 5th anniversary – fantastic!
Love this post! Portable chargers is deffo one for me. My phone battery runs low when im out blogging 🙂 x
Great suggestions and we're off to check out some of the photo apps x
What a fab post – I have to admit I don't know where I would be without my phone. I'm definitely an iPhone girl and have to have EE as it's the only network that works in the village I live in.
Wow happy 5 years! I use EE but your right having a good mobile network is definitely essential 🙂 x
I'm always looking for new apps, especially those that will help enhance my photography. Can't wait to try out AfterLight and Snapseed!
Well done! 5 YEARS is great! I have been blogging 2 .5 years and spent the last 6 months with no phone! I am managing but it would be better with a phone for sure! I guess it works for me as I am always 95% at home.
I always look for the camera quality when I'm looking for a new phone, some of these apps look like they could be really useful x
I love this post. I am in the market for a new phone and I need one with a great front facing camera for live videos x
I have finally bitten the bullet and downloaded instagram. I'm not 100% on what I i'm doing on there just yet but that is something I will need to work on. I will need to look into that phone as I'm not sure mine is quite as good for my photos etc.
i never thought about BT mobile. i love the sound of them. will have a look into them when my contract ends
I've currently got a Huawei P8 Lite, and I love it! It's incredible how complete this phone is in comparison to the big guys on the market. It's got all I need and I'm really happy with it. I'm going to read your review on the P9 as soon as I am done with this comment. x
This is an excellent post and I totally agree having a good phone and internet is really important when blogging and travelling.
Great post! I'm always looking for new apps to help me. 100% agree that a portable charger is the way forward xo
I can't live without a portable charger either – it's such a lifesaver for me! x
Oh gosh I would be lost without my phone. I always have a portable charger to hand.
I've been looking into Huawei phones lately, but I wasn't sure if they were any good. I think I might give them a try 🙂
oooh im checking those apps out especially the planmner pro thanks for sharing ths x
These are some great tips, I'm gonna be downloading some new apps and purchasing a portable charger! 🙂
Dani x
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