Often when we know we are going to be displaying our midriffs on the beach or getting those pins into shorts, many of us up the fitness regime, teamed with healthy eating. Whilst I am all for being as fit and healthy as possible to give you that holiday confidence we crave, I ask myself, why does it have to peak and end there? Surely, if anything, it is the perfect leap pad onto a new fitter/healthier chapter? With that being said some people have a relatively fit lifestyle so the idea of getting into a bikini is pretty standard, and they are not bothered – which is great. But does your fitness regime need to end? I’m talking about both kinds of people as well, the newbies and the experienced. Why does your workout need to stop when you go on holiday?
As I type this I am currently in thee best blogging office ever, on the sun lounger, in front of the pool, looking at blue skies, and yes, with a glass of wine, (c’mon give me a break I’m on holiday!) but I’m still somehow managing to work out despite it reach 32 degrees. Here’s how.
I’m well travelled and whilst I am all for letting my hair down, I can’t have a week of literally doing nothing. I’d possibly go insane, and with the added lavish meals and cupious cocktails, I’d be a bit silly not to keep going, or for me personally I’ll find I’ll be back a weekand initially it’s going to be hard to get back into. Now, I’m under no illusions, normally training is going to be pretty tough to nail besides swimming, where if I get to the pool first thing and dget some decent lengths in then I’ve at least managed something. Here are my major tips to keep active abroad.
Hotel Facilities
Has your hotel got a gym? Whilst I believe you should workout outside or explore the area, some places are just too hot to do that in. I am always very aware people aren’t always like me and get up super early, but do keep in mind that will be signicantly cooler if you did decide to start early. Some hotels even offer an activity package, with things such as aqua aerobics, volleyball, tennis, bootcamp and so on, it’s always worth having a look.
Hike, Bike, Swim, Run
Lots of hotels offer free bike hire, so that is definitely worth looking into, bike riding is great to get the blood pumping and stay relatively cool, whilst exploring. I’d also suggest looking at local running route before you go to wherever you’re headed, but again ideally go first thing to avoid over heating. Take a look at Strava and see if there are any local run meet ups. In Croatia specifically there are loads of hiking trails, which Nick and I have decided to do before breakfast (before it gets too hot), a great way to exercise and of course take in the local area. Don’t forget serious sightseeing will keep your step count up too and burn those calories. The best thing is that walking lots will often pop you in your fat burn zone, so I would team this with some sort of cardio. Personally, I’d chose the swimming pool any day because that can essentially be done at anytime of day, as of course, you’ll stay nice and cool and it’s low impact.
The Hotel Room Workout
You might laugh but it totally works for me and something I have used on numerous occasions. I take a laptop and either log onto wifi and download some youtube workouts, or take DVDs with me. Things like Insanity, T25 or Charlotte Crosby’s 3 minute belly blitz are all ones I’d really recommend. I obviously do this first thing, but a few times I’ve done them back in the air conditioned hotel room, pre shower and pre dinner. I always feel super virtious doing that and it certainly keeps me on track. It is a self motivation one, and I’d say the hardest out the lot to push yourself to do, but again I like to do this before breakfast when I first get up. It’s done then and anything I do is a bonus.
Adventure Sports
Where we currently are, sea kayaking is very popular and it’s of course great for those arms, also things like stand up paddle boarding is fantastic for a good core and balance workout. Have a shop about though because some place directly on the beach can be expensive. Like I say anything where you are active is important, so instead of sitting on a sun lounger all day, (although there is reason to believe you’ll burn more calories due to the heat) why not try something you wouldn’t usually? I did paragliding in Austria a year ago and loved the adrenaline rush! You can do so much, but like I say, shop about and even bargain if you can.
Fitness Trackers
Just remember you will quite possibly be far more active on holiday than you think. By have a fitness tracker on you at all times you can monitor what you are up to. I actually removed mine because I didn’t want any tan lines! But if you are looking to keep your active plan up, then this could be for you.
To summarise, whilst I do believe it’s good to keep your fitness levels up and not let them go completely, you do need to enjoy your holiday. Workout ways to keep yourself happy an active, and I know it can be a bit of a killjoy but seriously plan a head. I wouldn’t do half as much stuff if I hadn’t sorted it prior. Enjoy your holidays and remember you might not be able to do your exact routine, but you can certainly adapt it and make it work for you.
Katie // Life of Kitty says
This is what I've been trying to think about! I'm going to be away from home for 12 days with no gym access, and I'm just trying to plan things I can do haha. I'll be in Croatia for 5 of those, so definitely planning on some running/hiking and sea kayaking!
Annie B says
Ooo! Where are you going to be staying near? I can help with some tips if you need anything?
Megan Petrich says
It's easy for me to keep my fitness routing when I'm the only one person in my family, who has a vacation. But as soon as my kids go to summer vacation, all my routine plans are being destroyed by the chaos they make 🙂
Megan Petrich
Annie B says
Hey Megan, lovely to have you stop by! I bet you're being all kinds of active with your kids involved! Even if I don't do a huge amount of subconscious exercise, I always up how much I walk or I'm on my feet – something I bet you do with your kids!
Kara Guppy says
I am a big one for adventure sports and if I spot a kayak, I am off!
Annie B says
That's the best way to be, but many people forget to even bother doing anything active
Our bucket List Lives says
Oh goodness. Yes I forget to be active sorry. I'm guilty. I have great respect for those who keep and stay active on holiday. Maybe I should turn a leaf night time. Ok it's doubtful but these are great tips on what to look out for
Our bucket List Lives says
Oh goodness. Yes I forget to be active sorry. I'm guilty. I have great respect for those who keep and stay active on holiday. Maybe I should turn a leaf night time. Ok it's doubtful but these are great tips on what to look out for