After Challenge 5 was done I was straight onto Challenge 6 of my 12 in 12 for epilepsy awareness. I had originally planned out to do a cyclocross race for my November challenge, but as the date approached I panicked because I hadn’t done any training for it. I’d never ridden off-road like this before, and with the crazy weather conditions, most races were cancelled or escalated to becoming difficult courses for experienced riders only.

I made the decision to park the cyclocross for maybe a different month and look for an alternative, which is when the indoor skydive was thrown into the mix. I realised I was simply going for ‘races’ so just runs or cycles or swims, and nothing different. I know one of my challenges next year is a little different, but the rest tend to be relatively normal. The whole point of this entire challenge journey is to show the diversity of activities. That we as epileptics (where it is right for us), can do anything we set out to achieve.

My husband had actually purchased me a session at iFly Milton Keynes many months ago, but we hadn’t had the chance to go. I took the day off work and planned to spend the day at Snozone, but instead just enjoyed doing my challenge and some well-earnt breakfast afterwards!

I won’t lie, I was nervous. It was completely the unknown and when I questioned myself why I was nervous, it was the fear I couldn’t do it. Ridiculous. No idea why I get myself so worked up! Regardless we waited to meet our instructor Blake who would be taking myself, Nick and another couple into the wind tunnel for our flying experience. Usually, in a normal out of a plane sky jump, you get approximately 40 seconds of free-falling time, with indoor skydive at iFly you have 1 minute. In fact, you get 1 minute of fly time, twice!

It was incredible. I watch the other couple go before me, then I went in and began to float. Initially had some issues getting my hand position right, as I went in with my swimmer hands! Then finally relaxed before the instructor let me fly – wow! What a feeling. My minute literally flew by and it was Nick’s turn. He was a natural! After he returns from flight, we went around again and on my second go, I was far more relaxed and enjoying the experience so much! You had the option to be whizzed up to the top of the wind tunnel by your instructor – something the lady in our group (who had been before) recommended we had a go at. We all did – and again – wow!

What a different kind of challenge and one I really wanted to share, because, for those of us with epilepsy, a real skydive isn’t always an option. I’m so happy I decided to do this as challenge 6!

Stay tuned for challenge 7 in December…