You’re probably reading the title saying, Annie this isn’t exactly a challenge, I agree, it might not seem that way but it actually is. For challenge 8 of my 12 in 12 challenges, I decided to do a snowboard lesson at Snowdome Tamworth.
Why a snowboarding challenge?
This challenge was a bit of a mental challenge as well as physical one. The last time I had a go at snowboarding I was in Val D’isere working a ski season with my husband. During this snowboarding lesson I had what I now know to be seizures, but at the time I had no idea. Since then the idea of ever snowboarding has been associated with a very difficult time, and I’ve never taken it any further… until now!
As my 8th challenge my husband suggested I took a complete beginners lesson at the Snowdome in Tamworth. I’d booked myself on their Level 1 lesson at 6pm, assuming there would be a huge group of us, and it was only me! I got a private lesson essentially meaning I time to have confidence and not get over whelmed by other progressing quicker than me.
My snowboarding lesson
I was so incredibly nervous, my legs would not stop shaking, but soon my instructor was building up my confidence. We started with working on controlling the toe edge and going down the slope in a smooth and controlled manner. The first one is quite funny to watch back, but by the 3rd attempt I was sailing my way down the slope. Next was heel edge, I found this a tiny bit more difficult after being on my toe edge, however I soon adapted. At this point the instructor pointed out how this lesson was only up to level 1, and I was onto level 3!
We began the ‘falling leaf’ exercise, where I slid across the slope and down to the bottom. I picked that up quite well so we moved onto turns. I found going from my heel edge to my toe edge rather difficult, but my toes edge to heel edge easier. This is where we left the lesson as I’d progressed so much in the 2 hours. I’m so excited to go back and keep practicing my turns!
Confidence building
So whilst this may not be a climbing a mountain or skydiving kind of challenge, it was 100% a challenge for me, and honestly I’m quite proud of myself for stepping up and finally doing it. In the past when I’ve had seizures doing things, I’ve subconsciously stopped doing whatever it was. I recall having them early in the morning after I would wake up, and I’d always be in the shower. I used to fear every morning going in that shower straight after I woke up, so I would try and wait as late as possible to go in. Or I’d hate presenting to people because I have previously been mid conversation and had a seizure, so I now hate public speaking.
The association with a seizure during an activity is quite powerful, and I know I’ve stopped doing things or put off doing them because of it. Not anymore.
Hiya you.
Want to tell you how amazing you are.
I’m 48 bloke had E since 12. Uncontrolled til I found the right drug mid 20’s. Life was .. well you know.
Got it under control. Did loads of mountain biking,
Skiing, lived in Alps, worked for billionaires, travelled the world made a load of dosh and most importantly share my life with my beautiful partner.
However kept E under wraps. Bit ashamed of that but my own selfish reasons. Times are rapidly changing and long overdue too.
So want to congratulate you and if you want any support let me know.
I live in Lancashire now and I’m a keen roadie cyclist.
You’ll blow me away on other events. My good lady is an awesome swimmer though.
I’m keen to link up with E community and watch you vid 12 in 12 on you tube last night.
I’ve been aware of you for a few years now. Feeling a bit of a kin with your enthusiasm and positivity with the inevitability of a less amazing side to E. I’m totally there and have back.
Good luck to you.
I hope our paths cross at some point.
Keep training and stay within your limits and thresholds but occasionally push through them. I walk that tightrope too.
A true warrior of the cause for this war we never signed up for but will never surrender to.
There are millions behind us Annie. Keep leading!!! We’re all with you.
Much love, strength and empathy from me to you.
Hi Nick, wow, what a lovely message. That means the world to me, and I’m so happy to hear you’re living a full vibrant life! Jealous of your mountain life though!! We did Val d’Isere for a season once and loved it. I’d love to move back. Yes please, 100% do keep in touch – only over the last few years have I really opened up about it as like you, I kept it quiet too, our community is the best. We just understand each other so well.
Thanks again – I’ve not got many to go! Last few hurdles! Kind regards, Annie 🙂