There is no avoiding it, the coronavirus is impacting us all. Now it seems we all need to get comfy with idea of being at home for the foreseeable and embrace social distancing. For the adventure-seekers and active people out there, that can feel like the worst thing ever. If like me, you’re always on the go, out and about, being active, hanging out with friends, the idea of having to stay at home and social distance is hard work. Fear not, you can actually enjoy this social distancing and maybe find the benefit of hitting the pause button.

social distancing coronavirus

Social distancing is key in all this. Look at it this way, if you have it you could give it to someone else, and if you don’t have it you could get it from someone else. The best thing to do is back off and now is the time to sink into the reality, we are housebound. But, how can you enjoy home time?

Working out at home

Since Ironman Oceanside and the 50k ultra marathon were cancelled I’ve not being doing very much activity wise. I can’t do any fitness classes or go to the gym because of the coronavirus, so I need some home workout options. Below are some of my favourite on demand style classes.

Shaun T-25 – A fantastic month programme by Shaun T from Beach Body. Heard of Insanity? This is essentially a condensed version for 25 minutes

Les Mills On Demand – I’ve used this before and absolutely loved it. All your favourite body combat, body pump and body attack classes in one place

Fitness bloggers – Many fitness influencers or professionals are sharing home workouts on their channels, so you can get free options online

Finding projects

Heading out all the time to pursue adventure can actually mean your house get neglected. We really need to paint the bedroom, sort the wardrobe, clean out the garage, charity shop some clothes, the list goes on. It’s true though, we neglect some of these activities for the more fun, hey, I’m guilty of this too. Obvious project option is DIY! I am currently sorting my kitchen out, after half doing it then getting distracted. Finally, it’s being sorted!

social distancing coronavirus

Do what you never have

We always prioritise the fun, for me it’s the getting outdoors. However there is the longest list in the world of things I want to do. I have an entire drawer of painting equipment, I always wanted to finishing learning the piano music for La La Land, and I vowed I’d explore more places to walk the dog. Now is the time for me to do those. What are yours?

You can still go outside

You haven’t got to lock yourself in your house, at the moment that is. Take yourself for a walk or a trail run. Maybe get up early for a morning bike ride perhaps? As long as you aren’t meeting people and doing a group activity then it’s still fine. Be aware of places that could be busy, remember social distancing so try to avoid them, and embrace that fresh air!

coronavirus social distancing

Enjoy some time to yourself

We tend to surround ourselves with people so much that we forget how to embrace our own company. This is the perfect time to do the things you enjoy! I have so far watch some of my favourite films, gone back over my blog, edited videos and spent time colouring. I never have the time to do those things. What I’m saying is, you can’t change it, it’s social distancing, so enjoy it.

Being at home scares us because we get itchy feet to move around, but it’s just about being ‘busy’ that we need. Get that house sorted, start those projects, and spring clean early. You’ll be so thankful because when we are all able to go off on adventures, that house is going to be awesome. Stay safe and look after yourself.