Do you need a race or a challenge to focus on to give you a goal? I certainly do, so when Ironman Oceanside was cancelled I was without a goal or direction. I have no focus. Goal getters like myself, often wobble when they have nothing to aim for. There is nothing wrong with that, just some people are wired that way. But what do you do when you don’t have a goal?

Find a new one! That seems such an obvious answer, but we’re currently in a situation where the entire 2020, even 2021 race calendar is up in the air. What races are we realistically going to be able to do, and do we even want to do them? It’s such a strange situation we’re all in, but hopefully for all those out there who have had your races cancelled or are unsure of what’s happening next – I can help you find your challenge focus!

Don’t go too big

I’m going to complete Ironman Santa Cruz in September, is what I tell myself, but can we travel by then? Who knows. I’ve got that as my end goal. I have made my peace that it might happen, either the race might get cancelled or we still might not be able to get to the US. The point is, it’s a long term focus, in amongst mini goals.

Set mini goals

This is something we can all do during lockdown. Mini goals. I mean, they don’t even need to be specifically sport, but for me they are! For example, I’m really focusing on my yoga and being able to finally achieve a headstand! That is ambitious but I can realistically dedicate my home time to do it. Maybe for you that could be 25 press-ups a day, or speeding up your 5k run. Whatever it is, start setting those smaller more obtainable goals.

Make it weekly and monthly

Smaller weekly goals could be running at least once a week. Monthly goals could be a longer term goal, like gradually increasing your distances on Zwift. Whatever it is, write it down, plan it out like a race routine, just do it.

It’s not forever

My Mum can’t understand why I always need a race to focus on, but I need direction and focus in my life. Without that I do feel seriously lost. Whilst we can’t hop on a plane to a race or take part in one epic UK one, that doesn’t matter, we can all work on those smaller goals. This WILL change, just make the most of the smaller things you can do at home and REALLY focus your attention on.