For many people since lockdown our lives have changed and the ‘normal’ routine, perhaps still isn’t quite what it once was. Whilst some people have gone back to the office, many of us work remotely and finding that work/life balance, can be a tricky task. Sometimes without realising, you go through the entire day without leaving the house for fresh air and some form of exercise. This is why scheduling in some time outdoors to stretch your legs is incredibly beneficial for physical health, but also to re-frame yourself into a positive mindset. Ultimately meaning you’re able to tackle the day ahead of you.

We’ve all been there, where life gets so hectic and it can be difficult to plan anything else in than the day-to-day routine. But being in the fresh air can honestly give us so much, even making the daily routine that bit easier because of the mental health benefits from outdoor exercise. It doesn’t even need to be vigorous exercise, simply taking a leisurely walk even just for 15 minutes, getting that headspace with some fresh air, can make such a positive impact.

Watch – Garmin Instinct 2S GPS Solar – £389.99* [gifted]

Benefits of getting outdoors

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Helps with depression
  • Gives you calm
  • Provides Vitamin D
  • A form of daily escape
  • Helps get you with physical exercise
  • Keeps your pup active (if it’s dog walking)
Boots – Craghopper Lady Adflex Walking Boots – £150* [gifted]

Time to get outdoors

I personally love to do all my activities or exercise first thing or in the morning. It kicks the day into gear and you know if you don’t get the chance to do anything else with the day outdoors, at least you managed to be active in some way. I actually tend to do another 10 minute walk to my local field with the dog just before dinner, post work, to almost confirm my day has ended and to give myself that break.

For me, as much as I absolutely love to fill my time with swim, bike and run, I’m a huge fan of simply getting my boots on, and going for a quiet phone-free walk with the dog. My dog will follow me about all day unless I make her my priority, so we often go for a walk over the fields and have some time just for us. I do this as my first activity, it’s now our routine.

Taking that time to enjoy the great British countryside, particularly in the summer, is one of the best experiences. During summer as well, you can get out that bit earlier as it tends to be lighter earlier, meaning you really can kick-start your day in a positive direction.

Jacket – North Face Quest Rose – £100* [gifted]

Mental health is just as important as our physical health, and working on skills to ‘switch-off’ and feel present in what you’re doing is something we all have to work on. But, once you’ve mastered this and made it part of your routine, it doesn’t matter how long for, you’ll find that all the daily tasks you still need to do can start to feel less stressful, all because you got that fresh air and freedom from being outdoors.

*Post in collaboration with Very